After ten years of overseeing numerous surrogacy journeys and egg donation processes, we’ve compiled the frequently asked questions from our Intended Parents. Should you have any inquiries, feel free to reach out. We’d be pleased to arrange a meeting at your earliest convenience! Wondering about surrogacy? Curious about the costs involved? Contemplating the selection of an egg donor? Can individuals living with HIV pursue surrogacy? Find comprehensive answers to these queries and more below!

Surrogacy, an arrangement backed by a legal agreement, involves a woman agreeing to undergo pregnancy, carry the child to term, and give birth on behalf of another person or couple who will be the ultimate parents. Two main types of surrogacy exist: Gestational Surrogacy and Traditional Surrogacy.

Gestational Surrogacy occurs when an embryo created through in vitro fertilization (IVF) is implanted into a surrogate, often referred to as a gestational carrier. The resulting child is not genetically related to the surrogate, and various scenarios can unfold:

The embryo is developed using the intended father's sperm and the intended mother's eggs, making the child genetically related to both.
The embryo is created using the intended father's sperm and a donor egg from someone other than the surrogate, making the child genetically related to the intended father.
The embryo is formed using the intended mother's egg and donor sperm, resulting in a child genetically related to the intended mother.
A donor embryo is implanted in the surrogate, and the resulting child is genetically unrelated to the intended parent(s). This can occur when individuals undergoing IVF have surplus embryos that they donate to others.
Gestational surrogacy is legally permitted in various countries, including the USA, Ukraine, Russia, Georgia, the UK, and Greece.

Traditional Surrogacy involves the natural or artificial insemination of a surrogate. If the intended father's sperm is used, the child is genetically related to both the intended father and the surrogate. If donor sperm is used, the child is not genetically related to either intended parent but shares a genetic connection with the surrogate.

Surrogacy Laws Around the World:

United States:
Surrogacy is permitted for all individuals, with laws varying by state.

Surrogacy is legally allowed for all parties involved.

Allows surrogacy exclusively for heterosexual married couples.

Surrogacy is permitted for single men seeking parenthood.

Permits surrogacy for both married heterosexual couples and single individuals.

Surrogacy is open to heterosexual married couples, common-law couples, and single women.

Altruistic surrogacy is legally allowed for everyone, with reimbursement for approved expenses.

Altruistic surrogacy is permitted but limited to British citizens.

Surrogacy is allowed for heterosexual married couples in Georgia.

Altruistic surrogacy is allowed in most jurisdictions, while commercial surrogacy is a criminal offense in many regions. Penalties for international commercial surrogacy vary.

Altruistic surrogacy has been legalized within the country.

The Assisted Human Reproduction Act allows only altruistic surrogacy, where surrogate mothers can be reimbursed for approved expenses.

Altruistic surrogacy is legalized, offering a legal framework for those involved.

Surrogacy is prohibited by law since 2007, and children born through surrogacy abroad aren't granted Finnish citizenship.

All forms of surrogacy, whether commercial or altruistic, are currently illegal. There's a political discussion regarding the potential legalization of altruistic surrogacy.

Legalized surrogacy with stringent qualifications for intended parents. The surrogate relinquishes rights, and the intended parents gain legal parenthood from conception.

Although no specific laws govern surrogacy, guidelines were introduced in 2012 due to Irish citizens seeking surrogacy abroad.

Altruistic surrogacy is legally recognized within the Netherlands.

New Zealand:
Altruistic surrogacy is legal, but commercial surrogacy is prohibited.

Gestational surrogacy is practiced with guidelines allowing payments for transport and other expenses.

Gestational surrogacy was legalized in 2016, permitting only altruistic surrogacy under specific conditions.

South Africa:
Surrogacy agreements are validated before fertilization. Single individuals and gay couples can be commissioning parents under altruistic agreements.

The 2006 Act rendered all surrogacy arrangements null and void. Recognition of surrogacy arrangements made abroad is selective, with discussions about legalizing altruistic surrogacy ongoing.

Altruistic surrogacy remains illegal, with no recent legislative changes.

United Kingdom:
Commercial surrogacy is illegal, and surrogacy arrangements are not legally enforceable. The surrogate mother remains the legal mother unless a parental or adoption order is obtained.

United States:
Surrogacy laws vary by state, with some supporting both commercial and altruistic surrogacy, while others do not enforce them. Gestational surrogacy tends to be more supported, with traditional surrogacy finding less legal backing.

The expenses associated with surrogacy journeys exhibit notable variations, contingent upon the chosen country and the specific location of the procedure. Generally, the starting point for surrogacy costs is approximately US$46,000 in Ukraine, offering an affordable alternative compared to other destinations. On the other end of the spectrum, the United States commands higher costs, with the surrogacy journey often commencing at around US$125,000.

The initial phase of your surrogacy journey with Parvati involves signing a comprehensive agreement, laying the foundation for the collaborative and supportive partnership ahead. This agreement serves as a guiding framework, outlining the responsibilities and expectations of both parties, ensuring a clear and transparent path forward.

Medical Preparations:
Following the agreement, the journey proceeds with a series of medical preparations. This pivotal step encompasses a thorough medical assessment, including a comprehensive blood analysis and genetic tests. These assessments are integral in evaluating the overall health and genetic compatibility, laying the groundwork for a successful surrogacy process.

Egg Donor Selection:
An essential aspect of the journey involves the meaningful decision of selecting an egg donor. Parvati provides a diverse pool of donors, allowing intended parents to make a choice aligned with their preferences and requirements. The careful selection of an egg donor is a crucial step in shaping the genetic foundation of the journey.

Surrogate Matching:
Once medical preparations are complete and the egg donor has been chosen, the next phase involves the meticulous matching process with a surrogate. Parvati facilitates this crucial step, ensuring compatibility and alignment of expectations between the intended parents and the surrogate. This personalized matching process sets the stage for a positive and supportive surrogacy experience.

These initial steps not only mark the commencement of your surrogacy journey but also emphasize the commitment of Parvati to guide you through each stage with care and expertise. Clear communication, thoughtful choices, and comprehensive support characterize these early phases, fostering a foundation for a successful surrogacy experience.

Intended Parents (IPs) who are HIV+ have the opportunity to pursue a surrogacy journey in both the USA and Colombia, thanks to advancements in medical technology and specialized procedures. At the Western Fertility Institute, our clinic in Los Angeles, and our partnered clinic in Bogotá, Colombia, we provide a supportive environment for IPs with HIV, allowing them to realize their dream of parenthood.

Sperm Washing Process:
For HIV+ IPs, a crucial step in the surrogacy journey involves the process of sperm washing. This specialized technique is performed at the Western Fertility Institute in Los Angeles or our partner clinic in Bogotá. Sperm washing is a meticulous procedure designed to separate sperm from the fluids that may contain the virus. This process significantly reduces the risk of transmitting the virus to the surrogate or the resulting child.

Safety Assurance:
It's noteworthy that no known cases of HIV transmission have been reported after undergoing sperm washing. The thoroughness and precision of this procedure provide a high level of safety assurance, allowing HIV+ IPs to pursue surrogacy with confidence.

International Options:
In both the USA and Colombia, the legal and medical frameworks support HIV+ IPs in their surrogacy journey. Our partnered clinic in Bogotá ensures a seamless and supportive process for international IPs, offering a range of services tailored to meet the unique needs and legal requirements of HIV+ individuals seeking to become parents.

The collaboration between IPs, medical professionals, and legal experts ensures a comprehensive and secure pathway to parenthood, demonstrating our commitment to inclusivity and support for individuals overcoming health-related challenges on their journey to becoming parents.

Sure, single men can do surrogacy in the USA and Colombia. Single women can go through the process in the USA.

Parvati has revolutionized the way gay men build families, and over the past decade, hundreds of gay men have fulfilled their dream of having a baby via surrogacy. Gay men can pursue surrogacy in the USA and Colombia.

Egg donation at Parvati is typically conducted anonymously, maintaining privacy for the majority of donors. However, many of our South African donors are open to connecting with intended parents through Skype meetings, facilitated by your dedicated donor coordinator. This personal touch allows you to virtually meet the donor, fostering a sense of connection and gratitude.

On the other hand, donors from Ukraine, Russia, and Asia, in most cases, prefer to remain anonymous and may not be available for direct meetings. The focus remains on respecting the wishes of these donors while ensuring a smooth and respectful process for intended parents.

Within many of our plans at Parvati, there is a deliberate effort to foster connections between Intended Parents (IPs) and their surrogates. In the USA, maintaining regular contact throughout the surrogacy journey is strongly advised, creating a supportive and communicative environment for all parties involved. In Ukraine and Colombia, the approach involves meeting the surrogate during key milestones. In these locations, IPs have the opportunity to meet the surrogate during their visit to the clinic when signing the agreement. Additionally, a meeting is arranged for the significant moment of the birth, ensuring a shared and memorable experience for both the intended parents and the surrogate. At Parvati, our aim is to facilitate meaningful connections tailored to the preferences and comfort levels of all individuals involved in the surrogacy journey.
All of our surrogates undergo a lengthy and rigorous screening process before being accepted in to the program and they must have had at least one healthy baby derived from a successful pregnancy. Blood and gynaecological tests are required for all plans, and psychological evaluations and criminal background checks are required for all plans in the USA.

At Parvati, all our egg donors undergo rigorous screening to ensure the highest standards of health and compatibility. The comprehensive screening includes:

Medical Screening:

  • Anti Mullerian hormone test (AMH)
  • BCE Full Blood Count + Platelets + ESR GROUP
  • Blood Group + RH
  • HEPBSAG Hep. B Ag HEPC Hep. C
  • HIV (Human Immunodeficiency Virus) antibodies routine screen) – HIV test
  • HB Haemoglobin – Blood cells count and haemoglobin test
  • PROL Prolactin – Prolactin test,measuring hormone levels secreted by the Pituitary glands
  • CHLAG Chlamydia (STD)
  • CMV CMV (IgG + IgM)
  • HSV Herpes Simplex Ab (I&II) – Blood tests detecting the presence of Chlamydia, Herpes, and Cytomegaly viruses
  • TSH
  • LH
  • FRAGILE X Genetic Test
  • Karyotyping Genetic Test

Psychological Screening:

A formal psychological report is provided by the psychologist who conducts the screening for your egg donor. This report ensures a thorough understanding of the donor's mental well-being, contributing to a holistic evaluation process.

At Parvati, our commitment to the well-being of both egg donors and intended parents is reflected in our meticulous screening processes.

The anticipated timeline for your surrogacy journey with Parvati is approximately 15 to 18 months. This timeframe encompasses the various stages of the process, from initial consultations and screenings to the joyful moment of welcoming your new addition to the family.

The waiting times for a surrogate can vary depending on the country and the specific surrogacy plan chosen:

The waiting time typically falls within the range of 1 to 5 months.

Anticipate an approximate waiting period of around 5 months.

The waiting time for surrogate matching in Ukraine is generally around 3 months.

These timelines offer a glimpse into the varied surrogacy processes, allowing intended parents to make informed decisions based on their preferences and timelines.

Parvati's Guarantee Plans are meticulously designed to provide Intended Parents (IPs) with a high level of financial assurance throughout their surrogacy journey. These plans offer an array of benefits, including an unlimited number of egg donations, surrogate matches, and legal services tailored to the specific country where the surrogacy process is taking place. It's important to note that while these Guarantee Plans offer extensive coverage, not all plans are fully inclusive. For detailed information on the various plans available and their specific features, we encourage you to explore the comprehensive details provided. For a transparent understanding of the financial aspects and coverage offered by each plan, we invite you to review the specifics of the plans we offer.

Embarking on Your Life-Changing Journey with Parvati Family:

Congratulations, you're just a short step away from embarking on the most important journey of your lives. After dedicated research, consultations with industry professionals, and meticulous financial planning, Parvati Family is honored to share the guiding principles that have established us as one of the leading surrogacy companies globally.

You Are the Focus:
At Parvati Family, our unwavering commitment is centered around you, the Intended Parents (IPs). We wholeheartedly support you, providing the best, most professional, and personalized services throughout your surrogacy journey.

Affordable Cost:
We believe in making your dream of parenthood a reality without breaking the bank. Parvati Family offers the safest and most professional plans at the most competitive and affordable costs.

Readily Available Surrogates:
Our extensive network includes excellent surrogates who undergo rigorous medical and psychological screening. All surrogates must have a proven track record, having successfully completed at least one pregnancy and birth.

Everything in One Place:
Experience peace of mind with our ONE-STOP-SHOP approach. We coordinate every aspect for you, from matching you with a surrogate to creating embryos, carrying out all medical procedures, and providing comprehensive legal support and insurance consulting.

Proven Experience:
Since 2008, Parvati Family has been the guiding force behind the birth of over 1300 babies. Our team's expertise ensures that you navigate the surrogacy journey with confidence.

Community Connection:
Parvati Family goes beyond being just an agency; we've built a supportive community. Over the last decade, we take pride in maintaining meaningful contact with our IPs, their babies, and their families.

Values and Advocacy:
From its inception, Parvati Family has championed equality, making surrogacy accessible for everyone. Our team actively contributes to legislative changes, advocating for equality for every IP who chooses Parvati.

Service and Support:
Your journey is our priority. We provide 24/7 around-the-clock services, ensuring you have unwavering support at every step.

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